Upstate Art Weekend

Our Hudson Valley Community gathered over Upstate Art Weekend to celebrate local artists that are inspired to collaborate with nature to create their works. Deville Cohen‘s solar sculpture left us in awe, Nate Mars‘ sonic interactive sound installation ignited curiosity and connection. Nandi Rose‘s Flight Song paired with Maggie Pate‘s PORTALS took us on a journey through the plant life & sounds of a year in Columbia County. We were honored to have Julia Whitney Barnes‘ prestigious Planting Utopia series on view as part of the Enchanted Ecologies Exhibit for the fun filled weekend. On Saturday & Sunday, folks of all ages adventured into the world of natural dyeing with Free Community Indigo Dye baths. Some repurposed old textiles giving them new life and use while others were more courageous and dipped their hair into the blue vats.


2980 ROUTE 66

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